Magical Mystery Cure (When Twilight Sparkle's spell swaps everyponies Cutie Marks and thus the destinies of everypony, she becomes a princess. The resulting event is the collapse of Ponyville as everypony has different special talents, even Celestia and Luna).
|transcript | Walkthrough of Video | SPOILERS! |
CELESTIA: "It must be you and you alone..."
CELESTIA: "You have proven that you are ready." (This is what Celestia has been teaching Twilight for this whole time...)
- Twilight using the Elements.
- Elements of Harmony go out of control.
What has Twilight done?!!
- "The biggest moment in Ponyville history!"
'When Cutie Marks switch.'
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: "Rarity has Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark" (Genuine line and clip from the episode, NOT edited. Twilight isn't an Alicorn in this clip and she still has her own cutie mark.)
- Sweet Apple Acres dilapidated.
- 'Harmony is lost.' (Will it be a cliff-hanger ending?)
FLUTTERSHY: "You look just like a princess"
- Twilight Princess or Princess Sparkle. (Alicorn Twilight is very much real).
- An Eclipse (If Celestia and Luna don't have their Cutie Marks, they can no longer control the sun and the moon. The area between the sun and moon is called... twilight).
"It all leads up the episode you've been waiting for..." (Storyarcs?)
- Pinkamena! (Look closely at the clip: Pinkie Pie has Applejack's cutie mark; perhaps this is why she is sad and perhaps why Sweet Apple Acres is destroyed).
- The Element of Magic smashing to pieces. (The end of the Elements of Harmony, the end of Season 3)
"The HUB's My Little Pony Princess Coronation Next Saturday only on the HUB."
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